Dear all,
Armenian-Indian Center of Excellence in ICT

Past trainings
Armenian-Indian Center for Excellence in ICT (AITC) and Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) are happy to announce the Summer Web Design School for teenagers. Taking into account the huge demand for IT professionals in Armenia, AITC organizes this Web Oriented Summer School Program which gives an opportunity to learn basic web programming & design.
From the beginning of the program groups of 3-5 people will be created. They will work together under mentor’s supervision from the first day to develop their website idea (ex. tour agency, hotel, cinema, etc.). During the program they will work on the idea development, web content, structure and design, as well as they will improve their marketing, strategy and presentation skills to create an appropriate website. The final and key step starts by coding and building their website via HTML and CSS tools. Team building activities will be used to promote better teamwork in the groups as well as we will organize entertainment activities (film screening, games) and IT experience exchange workshops at our Center.
Ուրախ ենք Ձեզ տեղեկացնել, որ Հայ-հնդկական ՏՀՏ Գերազանցության Կենտրոնը և Ձեռնարկությունների Ինկուբատոր Հիմնադրամը հայտարարում են “Վիրտուալ աշխարհի իրական սպառնալիքները և նրանցից պաշտպանվելու միջոցները” թեմայով անվճար սեմինար:Հիմնական #թեմաները.
This training course is aimed on introducing the basic design principles and applications of database, as well as the standard inquiry process. This training provides relevant theoretical and practical knowledge, in accordance with the market requirements.
Training key topics include:
Armenian-Indian Center for Excellence in ICT announce training courses of graphic design and animation from the begining of April. You can aply for the following courses: