Although activе citizеnship can bе promotеd through local, rеgional and national lеvеls of youth activitiеs, intеrnational youth activitiеs providе
From Idea to… Europe

Project “From Idea to Europe” will gather 20 youth workers, social workers and teachers from 10 countries: Montenegro, Slovenia, Poland, Greece, Serbia, Belgium, Albania, Bulgaria, Italy and Germany in order to support and strengthen them to realize their entrepreneurial ideas (on their own or in cooperation).
Carefully selected participants will go through 3 educational modules in different countries – Serbia, Greece and Belgium and their entrepreneurial ventures will be mentored and the process filmed and turned into a documentary translated in nine languages.
By implementing those ideas they will involve, encourage and educate young people to start their carriers in a proactive manner trough workshop with local youth.
By using the Career self-management and Life coaching methodologies participants will be equipped to plan, open and run their own business but also to deliver these experiences to young people they work with. Innovative character of this project lies in the learning by doing approach towards teaching entrepreneurship to youth workers, therefore young people.
The result of the project will be entrepreneurial ideas realized over the one year period of time, an online freely accessible documentary that will be used as a manual and guide for supporting young people in starting their own business. The project follow up will be to organize workshops with young people on entrepreneurship in participants’ home country.
Educational modules
Based on experiential learning and learning-by-doing all theoretical inputs will be discussed and conclusions will be made jointly in order to achieve participant’s’ full understanding of the content. All sessions will be interactive, demand participants’ active involvement and consist of group work activities.
Educational modules will take place in three different cities and have the goal to strongly support your business idea and help you shape it and realize it.
Training in Novi Sad, Serbia (5 day) 01-06 June 2016
MODULE 1 – defining ideas, goals and managing risks in starting a business
At this module participants will bring out the ideas and discuss the risks of being an entrepreneur in their home country. Also, they will learn how to conduct a small-scale market research, followed by a panel and ideas display and selection of best ideas. Teams will be formed, analyse roles and market demands and learn how to create a business plan. All modules will include external speakers – successful businessmen from the community.
Training in Thessaloniki, Greece (5 day) 26-31 August 2016
MODULE 2 – marketing and budgeting
Participants will identify basic marketing principles and define a marketing strategy for their business. Furthermore they will work on their selling and decision-making skills, basic budgeting principles and developing financial plan.
Training in Brussels, Belgium (5 day) 21-24 October 2016
MODULE 3 – completing, finalizing and presenting business plan
Third module will be organized as an opportunity to finalize business plans, analyze legal requirements and registration offices for self-employment and small business; They will start joint ventures and develop own action plan for the next 6 months, starting from the day following the end of the training.
Develop A Business Plan
With the help of skillful trainers and other participants you will develop a business plan and look for finances. During the training, participants will get familiar with European grants available for Start Ups. Securing funding almost always requires a formal plan. Companies funded by friends and family may not need a plan, but if you go to venture capitalists, commercial banks, government-backed lenders and most angel investors, you will need a business plan.
You’ll be making lots of decisions on serious matters, such as what strategy you’ll pursue, as well as less important ones, like what color paper to print it on.
Realize your idea with mentorship: Оctober 2016 – April 2017
Participants will receive a full online support by the mentors. Every month in a 6 month period the group will gather online (video conferencing) to share experience and gain support of the group. Also the partner organization in each country participating in the project will be opened to support participants and help them find funds.This project is financed by the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
Costs for accommodation and food are covered fully.
There is no participation fee for this training course. Travel costs will be reimbursed according to the rules of the Erasmus + Program and it will be done on the basis of the cheapest possibilities
The reimbursement of the travel costs will be done after the leading organization receives all the invoices, boarding passes, credit card slips, etc., by bank transfer.
Maximum support for travel costs per participant:
Participant from Training in Serbia Training in Greece Training in Belgium
Serbia 0 EUR 275 Eur 275 Eur
Montenegro 180 Eur 275 Eur 275 Eur
Slovenia 180 Eur 275 Eur 275 Eur
Bulgaria 180 Eur 180 Eur 360 Eur
Albania 275 Eur 180 Eur 360 Eur
Greece 275 Eur 0 Eur 360 Eur
Poland 275 Eur 275 Eur 275 Eur
Germany 275 Eur 275 Eur 275 Eur
Italy 275 Eur 275 Eur 275 Eur
Belguim 275 Eur 360 Eur 0 Eur