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The YSU Center for Gender and Leadership Studies is organizing the presentation of the research on "STRENGTHENING WOMEN’S POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA: EXISTING EFFORTS, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES " conducted by Anna Melikyan and Irina Ghaplanyan in the context of the Small Grants Program 2014.
The research was aimed to examine current patterns of women’s political participation and mechanisms for increasing women’s substantive representations in Armenia as well as to provide assessment of the existing mechanisms and initiatives aimed at increasing women participation in decision-making process. Special attention is paid to the analysis of key pre-requisites and obstacles to success of these mechanisms. The authors analyzed the relevant national and international legislation as well as assessed efforts of international and local non-governmental organizations aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for participation of men and women in political life. Among main obstacles hindering women’s empowerment and more active participation in political life the authors reveal the following ones: gender prejudices and cultural factors, lack of rule of law and deficiencies of the political culture, ineffectiveness of gender quota and other governmental measures on gender equality, sexual context of the discourse on ‘political’ women, lack of economic and political resources, etc.The meeting will take place at The Green Bean cafe (2 Tamanyan str, Cascade). The language of the discussion is English.

Date and time: 
Wednesday, May 20, 2015 - 16:30