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Study Visit in Denmark

We are happy to announce an open call for a Study Visit in Denmark.The Study Visit is meant to give youth workers best practices and inspiration on how to promote democratic cultures and a healthy pluralism. During the activity, participants will meet various stakeholders from Denmark that are working with democracy and political pluralism.

Particpants should be active volunteers and youth workers in their communities or NGO-s. Ages of the participants- 18-28.
For more information do not hesitate to contact us vie e-mail or phone.

Application for young journalists from the Eastern Partnership countries

M100 Young European Journalists Workshop 2015 with this year’s topic “Journalism between Politics, Propaganda and Prison” will take place in Potsdam, Germany.Held in cooperation with the Federal Foreign Ministry, the workshop invites young journalists between 18 and 26 years from the Eastern Partnership countries Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia and Azerbaijan as well as Germany. The event will offer a six-day intensive workshop led by expert subject-area trainers. Participants will be taught how propaganda works and what its objectives are, how it can be recognised, how to verify information (including within social networks), and how as journalists they can defend themselves against propaganda, co-optation, and manipulation by governments and lobbyists.
Conditions of participation:


The YSU Center for Gender and Leadership Studies is organizing the presentation of the research on "STRENGTHENING WOMEN’S POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA: EXISTING EFFORTS, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES " conducted by Anna Melikyan and Irina Ghaplanyan in the context of the Small Grants Program 2014.

Armenia: A Country in Search of Leaders. An Analysis of Post-Soviet Armenian Political Elite and Its National Discourse

This study is an empirical study of the post-Soviet Armenian emergent political class. The study suggests that the understanding of how post-Soviet Armenian political class emerged requires analysis of both internal and external factors.

South Caucasus: The Eastern Door to Europe

We would like to invite you to our 1st DEMYC Council Meeting for 2015 in Yerevan, Armenia.

2015 V4 Meets EaP

The V4 meets EaP initiative is an extension of the current Visegrad School of Political Studies that aims to promote the collective and individual V4 democratic transition experience to young political, social and governmental leaders from Eastern Partnership countries. The V4 meets EaP brings together 120 participants over 2 years from the EaP and V4 to undertake workshops that highlight the regions of EU integration, civil society development and general transitional experience.

Journalism for Future Challenges

Journalism for Future Challenges is a programme for early career journalists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, or Ukraine who are looking to expand their investigative reporting skills, knowledge of international law and politics, and professional network.
Up to 25 participants will be selected to participate, and all will be fully funded.
This intensive training programme is taught by international experts from renowned newsrooms and focuses on teaching cutting-edge, updated tools and methods for improved investigative journalism.

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