ԵՊՀ Իրանագիտության ամբիոնում կայանալիք «Պարսից գրականության և պատմություն» միջազգային արևելագիտական գիտաժողովին, բացի արդեն իսկ առկա ակադեմիական կա
Armenia: A Country in Search of Leaders. An Analysis of Post-Soviet Armenian Political Elite and Its National Discourse

This study is an empirical study of the post-Soviet Armenian emergent political class. The study suggests that the understanding of how post-Soviet Armenian political class emerged requires analysis of both internal and external factors. Drawing on an interpretive account of cultural and historical sources of the emergent leadership and contending that in the process of constructing and articulating the new national narrative, this political class played an overwhelming role. In doing so, this class constructed and articulated the national narrative guided foremost by the notions of power appropriation and consolidation, leading not only to a disconnect between the political narrative and the subsequent policies, but also and most importantly to a failure of the national project.