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European Youth Work Academy – Training of Trainers edition

Training of Trainers (ToT) is last edition of European Youth Work Academy that already hosted Training of Management in December 2016 and Training of Leaders in February 2016.

European Values for the Future of the Southeastern European Countries

Although all countries embarked from the same point, the situation today with all of them is different. Some of the countries of the region like Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia became members of the Euro-Atlantic integration structures. Others, like Montenegro and Serbia are already on a good path to achieving their goal.
The International Youth Conference “European Values for the Future of SEE Countries“ for twelfth consecutive years lives as a forum where 60 active, successful and able young leaders, youth workers and representatives of prominent NGOs from 16 countries. Those fighters for a better future are sharing their visions, strategies, campaigns and way of thinking during the 5-day forum.

Armenia: A Country in Search of Leaders. An Analysis of Post-Soviet Armenian Political Elite and Its National Discourse

This study is an empirical study of the post-Soviet Armenian emergent political class. The study suggests that the understanding of how post-Soviet Armenian political class emerged requires analysis of both internal and external factors.

HIVE Engineering Leadership Summit 2015

Join the HIVE Team, Raffi Krikorian, Alexis Ohanian and some of the world's top engineering leaders in Yerevan on April 25th for HIVE's first HIVE Engineering Leadership Summit 2015, sponsored by the Hovnanian Foundation and hosted by the Tumo Center for Creative Technologies.

Master Class by Michael Kouly

Join us for a Master Class on Corporate and Personal Relationships to be delivered by Michael Kouly on April 23 in Yerevan.
You are invited to attend the session that will explore the fundamentals of building and sustaining effective relationships at the corporate and personal levels.

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