Our small planet is a large unstable territory that makes life for most of its inhabitants a big/little hell, due to the obligation of leaving from
European Values for the Future of the Southeastern European Countries

Although all countries embarked from the same point, the situation today with all of them is different. Some of the countries of the region like Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia became members of the Euro-Atlantic integration structures. Others, like Montenegro and Serbia are already on a good path to achieving their goal.
The International Youth Conference “European Values for the Future of SEE Countries“ for twelfth consecutive years lives as a forum where 60 active, successful and able young leaders, youth workers and representatives of prominent NGOs from 16 countries. Those fighters for a better future are sharing their visions, strategies, campaigns and way of thinking during the 5-day forum.
They are using the Conference as an orientation marker for their future plans in the field of European values because it is well known that the conference is the perfect base for proclaiming new ideas and creating new politics. The International Youth Conference is a unique place, a cultural crossroad where discussions for: rule of law, democracy, human rights, freedom of speech, free-market economy, political inclusiveness and right of free sexual orientation, are mixing while we are putting together the mosaic of the future.
Specific Conference objectives:
– To bring together 60 active young people, youth leaders and youth workers from 16 countries to endorse the common set of values by experiencing the fundamental European values: human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and the respect for human rights;
– To encourage dialogue between on one hand civil society, youth leaders and active young people and on the other hand decision makers and public authorities in general, to discuss about the citizenship rights and to build a vision of the European citizenship;
– To provide space and means for youth researchers, policy-makers, youth organizations and young people for exchange of knowledge and experiences for practicing new ways of youth engagement, to explore these modern European values together and to develop strategies on how they can be implemented in youth work practice, youth research and policy in SEE;
– To stimulate capacity building of youth workers, leaders and active young people in order to strengthen their position in society and local communities by offering them information, experiences and contacts and thereby their support in getting closer to their objectives and their vision of a better future;
– To raise awareness about the importance of regional cooperation between active young people and youth leaders from SEE and the needs of the cooperation with young people from the EU countries based on the responsibilities towards each other and the common challenges though seeing the considerable benefits of close regional cooperation — political understanding, economic and social prosperity;
– To establish a networking between different stakeholders, to gain new inspirations and contacts on one hand, and to identify recommendations and proposals for further youth actions for promotion of European values among young people in Europe and particular in SEE on the other hand.
Main topics on the conference:
-European Social Model in the 21st Century
-Using or abusing EU funds?
-Human rights issues (immigration issues)
-How universities can play a role in youth entrepreneurship?
– Creativity as a key for dream employability
-Is the radical ideology a democracy threat?
– Who build the reality- we or the media?
-Challenges or new beginnings
ATTENTION: Working language of the conference is in English!
This is not an Erasmus+ project.
Accommodation and meals are 100% covered by the organizers, travel costs are covered 80% by the organizers!
Eligible are 18 to 30 participants coming from: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Poland and Romania