ԵՊՀ Իրանագիտության ամբիոնում կայանալիք «Պարսից գրականության և պատմություն» միջազգային արևելագիտական գիտաժողովին, բացի արդեն իսկ առկա ակադեմիական կա

People, Stories, Experiences across Armenia and Turkey.
Hrant Dink Foundation cordially invites you to a public presentation and cocktail to share the experiences of the Turkey-Armenia Travel Grant and the Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme.
The presentation will include information about the Travel Grant and the Fellowship Scheme as well as the achievements of both programmes, followed by stories and talks by beneficiaries of the two programmes.
The presentation will be followed by a cocktail to give an opportunity for the guests to get acquainted with the beneficiaries of the Travel Grant and the Fellowship Scheme.
14:00 Welcoming and opening remarks
14:10 Presentation of the EU-funded programme Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process and the cross-border programmes of the Hrant Dink Foundation
14:30 Presentation of the Turkey-Armenia Travel Grant
14:45 Presentation of the experiences by current and former grantees
15:15 Presentation of the Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme
15:30 Presentation of the experiences by current and former fellows, their host organisations
16:00 Q&A Session and Closing Remarks
16:30 Cocktail