Our small planet is a large unstable territory that makes life for most of its inhabitants a big/little hell, due to the obligation of leaving from
Training Course on Migration in Berlin

Migration plays a very big role in every society, affecting young people in many areas like employability, integration, understanding, social dialogue, human rights and more.
In this 8 day training course you get the chance to explore all about this topic ant to develop your competencies as youth worker to anticipate to, and work with everything related to it.
✓ 40 Youth workers and youth leaders from 10 Countries.
✓ Exchange experiences and good practice in youth work, related to international and local migration and the influence on young people.
✓ Get trained in addressing the challenges and opportunities migration brings to young people and society.
✓ Develop your competencies to deal with the push and pull factors of migration and its causes and consequences.
✓ Learn how to prevent negative effects of migration on society.
✓ Get to understand EU policies regarding migration, mobility, local realities in different countries and youth mobility opportunities in Europe.
✓ Develop new projects related to integration of young people from immigrant background.
✓ Develop new initiatives in the field of migration and mobility for young people within the framework of Erasmus+ programme.
✓ Gain perspective and ideas from people from different backgrounds on this important and interesting topic.
Accommodation and food fully covered. Travel expenses paid, with maximum of 350 EUR.
Want to join? Send an e-mail to trainings.loesje.armenia@gmail.com latest 9th of July.
In your email, introduce yourself and explain why you want to participate.