«Всеармянский молодежный центр Серунд» открывает прием заявок для участия в проекте «Школа Публичной Дипломатии» .
Serund Pan-Armenian Youth Center

Serund Pan-Armenian Youth Center
Impossible is Possible
"Serund PYC" is a Pan-Armenian youth organization, which purpose is to develop theoretical and practical knowledge of the Armenian youth, raise its role in Armenia and in the international arena. It is a platform where people can develop their leadership and organizational capacity through team work and exchange of experience. The organization promotes the responsible and organized young generation, which will retain their cultural identity. “Serund PYC” aims to develop youth potential, to encourage an open youth work and unite the Armenian youth all around the world. The organization also tries to develop scientific-political understanding and experience and to establish contacts with international organizations while using those links for the development of the youth. Preservation of the Armenian culture meanwhile introducing the youth to different cultures is another essential goal of the organization.
The members of “Serund PYC” are guided by the slogan "Impossible is possible".
Organization coordinates the center board, which consists of the president of the organization, it's deputies (heads of departments) and heads of sections (External relations, Communications and PR, Coordination of branches, Political science, Culture, Trainers team, Talent management, Finance development and Fundraising and Supervision).
Spheres of the activity of the organization are: international cooperation, intercultural relations, environmental conservation, human rights, personnel development and "HR" technologies, disseminating information on youth activities and organization of youth projects.
Serund PYC has more than 3200 volunteers all over the world. The organization operates in Armenia, Russia, United Kingdom, Georgia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Hungary, Portugal and etc.
Serund PYC is a member organization of Global Partnership for Youth 2015 network (GPY 2015) which coordinates by United Nations Office of Secretary General Envoy on Youth.
Serund PYC recognized as a national organization by European Youth Foundation (EYF).
We open media center “Youth for Youth” that broadcast in all over the world.
Information about organization- www.serundpyc.com
Information about media center- www.youthforyouth.info
Past trainings
«Սերունդ Համահայկական Երիտասարդական Կենտրոնը»
Հայտարարում է 2015/1. 2-րդ փուլի անդամագրումը:
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 17:30
The Youth Time Summer School will be held in Hamburg, Germany.
Saturday, April 18, 2015 - 10:00 to Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - 18:00