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Video documentation and trailer of Youth Peace Camp 2015

The Youth Peace Camp is an annual initiative of the Council of Europe since 2004. In 2015,the Youth Peace will bring together young people (aged 18-25) from Armenia, Azerbaijan,Georgia (including Abkhazia and South Ossetia), Kosovo1, the Russian Federation, Serbia,and Ukraine during an eight day camp. The participants engage in an experiential learning process and acquire competences in the fields of inter cultural learning, dialogue and conflict transformation within a human rights framework. The participants, six from each of the eight mentioned regions will each be guided by a facilitator (junior trainer), one from each of the regions. The facilitators are responsible for preparing the participants, guiding them during the Youth Peace Camp including where capable facilitate several sessions and following up on the participants afterwards. The team of facilitators will be coordinated by a Senior trainer and a member of the Educational team at the European Youth Centre Budapest.

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