The Student Research Conference at the American University of Armenia is a unique student-led conference that showcases research and scholarship activity of current and recent students in linguistics and applied linguistics. The mission of the Student Research Conference is to acknowledge the instrumental role of research in early academic and professional development as well as to celebrate and foster scholarly research conducted by students.
Christine Coombe

Christine Coombe has a Ph.D in Foreign/Second Language Education from The Ohio State University. She is currently on the English faculty of Dubai Men’s College. She is the former Testing and Measurements Supervisor at UAE University and Assessment Coordinator of Zayed University. Coombe has authored and edited a number of books and articles on language assessment, teacher effectiveness, task-based learning, research methods, and life skills education.Christine Coombe has lived and worked in the Arabian Gulf for the past 21 years. In this capacity, she has served as the President and past president of TESOL Arabia and as the founder and co-chair of the TESOL Arabia Testing Special Interest Group who organize the Current Trends in English Language Testing (CTELT) Conference. Christine is also the founder and chair of the TESOL Arabia Leadership & Management SIG. - See more at: