Bio-economy has recently been emerged as one of the key tools for Sustainable Development, forcing the European Union to adopt a relevant strategic approach and allocate significant funds within th
Serko A. Haroutounian

Dr. Serko A. Haroutounian is professor of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) and the Hellenic Open University. His scientific interests concern the FOOD CHEMISTRY (food safety, development of novel functional foods, exploitation-certification of Greek traditional agricultural products) and the VALORIZATION of NATURAL PRODUCTS (isolation-evaluation-uses of bioactive natural compounds, management of agricultural wastes). He has supervised the implementation of twelve doctoral and eighteen master theses. His current research team consists of three postdocs, seven PhD and two MSc students. He has published 124 scientific articles in international journals, 8 books chapters, holds 2 patents and he is the editorial board member of the American Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, the International Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Dietics, the Journal of Chemistry and the Research and Reports in Medicinal Chemistry. He has implemented 16 research projects (funded by the EU and the Greek government) and currently is involved in the implementation of two projects funded by the EU, two by the Greek Ministry of Education and four funded jointly by the Greek Government and SMEs.
He was the chairman of the board of directors of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization DIMITRA (2013-15), which is the national authority for the Greek: 1) inspections-security assurance of the agricultural products, 2) supervision of the meat and dairy products system, 3) agricultural research (11 Institutes) and 4) agricultural education and training. He has implemented the certification as PDO of numerous agricultural products of Greece and designed-supervised the implementation of the following projects of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs (HELLENIC AID) concerning the development of rural sector of Armenia:
Organization-installation and operation of a pesticide residues assessment laboratory
Organization-installation and operation of a water analyses laboratory
Foundation of a farmers cluster in Northern Armenia, providing means for cultivation, crops preservation, marketing etc
Creation-operation of an animal feed production plant in Ararat province.
His LIFE+ research project DIONYSOS on wineries waste management was awarded by the European Commission as one of the best environmental projects of 2008 His research on the management of the vinification wastes was honoured in the terms international scientific competition “Energy Globe Awards, 2010”.