The opening ceremony of the14th British Film Festival will take place in Moscow Cinema at 16.30 on 20 February.
1st Annual Global Health Armenia Conference: Key Issues

We warmly invite you to attend Yerevan State Medical University and the University of Utah’s 1st annual “Global Health Armenia Conference: Key Issues” on June 17, 2015. Organized by the Yerevan State Medical University and the University of Utah’s, this conference offers a unique opportunity to examine key global health issues in Armenia.
Learn from leading global health organizations, educators and experts about critical global health issues as they share key lessons learned and strategies in health, outreach, partnership collaboration, research and more.
The 1st annual “Global Health in Armenia Conference: Key Issues” will be held at Yerevan State Medical School, allowing attendees to convene with thought-leaders, medical professionals, and student leaders in global health.
Conference attendance is open to researchers, healthcare practitioners, specialists, and students.
This conference will provide the unique opportunity to network with members of the global health community and learn about possible opportunities with different organizations. This year’s conference will also include a session on scientific poster creation and presentation for students and professionals alike.
Students are invited to submit posters for presentation at the 1st annual “Global Health in Armenia Conference: Key Issues”. Posters focus on results-oriented and in-progress programs and research studies. Posters will be on display throughout the day during the conference. Poster presenters will be with their posters for discussion and questions during a designated poster session.
All attendees and speakers for this year’s conference who participate will be awarded with a certificate of participation.
Free Registration begins in the Great Auditorium at YSMU at 0930