Error message

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Youth time Summer School

Youth Time Inter­na­tional Move­ment calls for proac­tive, moti­vated, socially engaged, cre­ative and tal­ented young indi­vid­u­als from all over the world to take a part in the Youth Time Sum­mer School which will be held in Ham­burg, Ger­many 18 – 22 June 2015.

The main pur­pose of this event is to develop a unique set of skills that all par­tic­i­pants can use in their pro­fes­sional and per­sonal life. In order to achieve this we have estab­lished a multi-​professional net­work. Our activ­i­ties will increase par­tic­i­pants’ deci­sion mak­ing and nego­ti­at­ing skills. Help to dis­cover their pos­si­bil­i­ties in the crises and risks sit­u­a­tions as well as give an oppor­tu­nity to fill respon­si­bil­ity to live life as a community.
As such Youth Time has devel­oped a pro­gram that will embrace var­i­ous for­mats: tak­ing part in work­shops, being inspired by encap­ti­vat­ing mas­ter classes as well as meet­ing other social entre­pre­neurs from over the globe. Youth Time has selected high level train­ers and experts to enrich the capac­i­ties of the participants.
Cul­tural pro­gram events with infor­mal, net­work­ing activ­i­ties and social­iz­ing will sup­port joy and team-​building atmosphere.
Each par­tic­i­pant will have an oppor­tu­nity to be a part of:
the mas­ter classes on ‘The art of nego­ti­a­tion’ and ‘How to defeat stress’;
inter­ac­tive work­shops, such as ‘Break­ing Stereo­types’ or ‘Pub­lic Diplo­macy’ as well as ‘Deci­sion Mak­ing’ and ‘Conflict;
sim­u­la­tion games, such as ‘The Ark of Noah’ and ‘Risk
and play dif­fer­ent social roles.
If you are:
between 18 – 35 years old;
youth lead­ers, maybe work­ers, social and busi­ness enter­prises, non-​profits, social activists, artists, edu­ca­tors, young researchers, schol­ars and sim­ply out­stand­ing students
just a per­son who would like to be an active par­tic­i­pant in the world social life
From: All over the world
Accomodation is provided.
Please fill in the application form provided below and send it to the address

Date and time: 
Saturday, April 18, 2015 - 22:00 to Monday, June 22, 2015 - 22:00
Application deadline: 
Monday, April 20, 2015 - 22:00