Arianne Caoili, Founder of Champord, Armenia's first free extensively distributed newspaper, will be speaking on the topic of civic participation and how to increase the quality of urban life and public awareness through the power of the press.
Kolba Labs

Past trainings
Would you invest your money into an idea that hasn’t been realised today, but will bring a bigger social benefit tomorrow?
#createTogether brings together innovators, technologists, entrepreneurs and creatives to Armenia from all around the world, together at the same time.
Ինչպիսի նախաձեռնություններն են Կոլբա լաբից աջակցություն ստանում ու ինչպես են զարգանում ստարտափ գաղափարները հայաստանյան շուկայում:
We will discuss pros and cons of decentralization and impressive examples of its application in a range of different areas - from technology to management to daily routines. Join this smart discussion at Kolba café with Vahagn Poghosyan to answer questions like: How are power, people and functions distributed around us? What responses do we have to the problems of centralized power? How can we implement them?
The talk will be delivered in English.
You have an idea? You want to develop your entrepreneurial skills? Apply to Armenia StartUp Cup and make your ideas come to life. Application process is open! The deadline for submission is May 16.
What are you up against? And what can we all do about it?
Unlike other Kolba Challenges this space is open to all ideas. You define the challenge, you create the response… we give you help along the way.