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EVS in Romania

EXPLORATOR Association was founded on 2008 in Craiova, Romania. Its goal is to promote opportunities for youth in the community and to sustain the young people involvement in the civic life.
About the project:
AIM: To offer volunteers the opportunity of developing employability competences and enhance their social proactive involvement in the frame of ecology.
- To encourage the reflection and debate regarding eco-responsibility and healthy life style
- To contribute to the awareness regarding the natural resource conscious and to adopt responsible practices towards natural resources
- To explore in one hand the connections between the mother cultures and on the other hand the themes of “nature preservation” &”healthy lifestyle”
- The development of basic transversal competences useful for fastening the transition process from NEET category to a more active life

EVS in Our Hands

Training course focusing on EVS (European Voluntary Service) coordinator’s potential and competencies to successfully manage their projects and to guide volunteers in their learning process.
We believe that the role and personality of EVS coordinator is crucial for proper development of their EVS organizations and for personal development of hosted EVS volunteers. But how to create an environment of trusting and beneficial relationship between coordinators and EVS volunteers? And at the same time how to follow all the claims which the EVS philosophy brings?

Long-term EVS project in Italy

Dear EVS-interested young people,
Have a look at the opportunity of doing long-term EVS project in Tuscania, Italy!
Project title: A MAD TEA PARTY
Where: Tuscania, Italy

EVS in Estonia

The main function of the volunteer is to support the TÜÜ which represents and protect the interests of Tallinn University students within the University and at the local and national level.
The volunteer has a wide range of possibilities either with the Student Union and the executive board, which support and runs different clubs that compose the TÜÜ frame.

EVS for Employability

This 3.5 day workshop is intended for EVS Sending and Receiving Organisations and Mentors. The workshop will look at how competences developed during EVS can be effectively used to boost a volunteer's employability.

The idea of the EVS Competences project was born in 2012 and further developed by eight National Agencies of the Youth in Action programme, together with two Salto Resource Centres. The common motivation and focus was to explore the relevance of competences developed during the European Voluntary Service project for the labour market.

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