Armenia Model European Union 2016 is a youth project aiming to increase the knowledge of participants about the interrelations of national and Euro
EVS in Our Hands

Training course focusing on EVS (European Voluntary Service) coordinator’s potential and competencies to successfully manage their projects and to guide volunteers in their learning process.
We believe that the role and personality of EVS coordinator is crucial for proper development of their EVS organizations and for personal development of hosted EVS volunteers. But how to create an environment of trusting and beneficial relationship between coordinators and EVS volunteers? And at the same time how to follow all the claims which the EVS philosophy brings?
We would like to discuss the differences that NGOs will face in creating projects and how to develop intercultural tools for better react and work together.
The final aim of this Training Course is also to provide a real opportunity to mutual know the social and cultural framework in which the volunteers will be involved in hosting projects or selected for sending one.
The activity is primarily targeted to accredited NGOs that are involved in EVS or to accredited NGOs that are starting their EVS strategy.
In this context, we offer a training course focusing on following topics:
• Using full potential of EVS projects in the organisations.
• Effective communication and feedback.
• Balanced learning process in EVS project.
• Motivation for the work with EVS volunteers.
• Managing stress and emotional reactions.
• Conflict management.
Provide information and knowledge on the concept of EVS including rights and responsibilities, learning in EVS, intercultural learning, involvement of the local community.
• Create understanding for the different needs and realities of all the actors involved in EVS.
• Support the communication and problem solving between the different actors through methods such as NVC (Non-violent communication), the Way of Council and Mediation.
• Raise awareness and deepen the understanding of the spirit of EVS (EVS as a learning programme for all the actors involved)
• Support the transfer of what is learned within the course to the reality of participants back home
This project is financed by the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
Accommodation and food is provided for free. Travel cost will be reimbursed according to the rules of Erasmus+ programme.
Max. amount per participant for travel costs is:
Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovak Republic – 180 Euro per pax and Italy, Poland 275 Euro per pax.