Երբևէ զգացե՞լ եք ձեզ միևնույն տհաճ հուզական վիճակում: Դուք ուզում եք ապրել լիարժեք ու էներգիայով լեցուն, սակայն ձեր մտքերն ու հույզերը ձեզ խանգարու
EVS in Estonia

The main function of the volunteer is to support the TÜÜ which represents and protect the interests of Tallinn University students within the University and at the local and national level.
The volunteer has a wide range of possibilities either with the Student Union and the executive board, which support and runs different clubs that compose the TÜÜ frame.
The volunteers projects will be divided into main tasks such as:
- Support and Organise Events for TÜÜ such as Open Lectures, Trainings, Student Days, Cultural
Events, Tournaments, Peda Folk; 50%
- Support the nursery room taking care of the children of the students of the University; 5%
- Support with the media, marketing and communication materials for the foreign students of the
university; 10%
- Promote, Motivate and Multiply international mobility events for the students; 10%
- Support the Student Union Board in the office tasks and meetings; 5%
- Organise Motivational Events for the Students that would like to engage different volunteer
opportunities inside the university; 10%
- Plan, Implement and Evaluate his/her own projects and events according different interested and
opportunities; 10%
Volunteer profile:
- open minded and interested to work with concrete target group of the activities,
- basic knowledge of the English language,
- aged between 18-30.
To apply:
- send us your CV and Letter of Motivation /both in English/ indicating in Motivation Letter the name of Youth Initiative Centre-YIC as your sending organization by 16th of April, 23:00 to the following e-mail address: evs.sending@yic.am
- name EVS in Estonia as a subject line of your e-mail
*Only shortlisted candidates will be notified and contacted.