Our small planet is a large unstable territory that makes life for most of its inhabitants a big/little hell, due to the obligation of leaving from
Civil Society Forum

The Civil Society Forum is open to a wide range of CSOs: NGOs, think-tanks, non-profit foundations, trade unions, employers' organisations, professional associations, chambers of commerce, business associations, national and international CSOs/networks and other relevant civil society actors from EaP region, but also from EU Member States and international organisations.
Only one person per organisation can apply.
The civil society organisations dealing with women's issues/rights are encouraged to apply. The organisations are encouraged to delegate women as their representatives to the annual meeting of the Forum.
Participants will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
Eligibility - applicants must be non-governmental, non-partisan (not institutionally affiliated to a political party) organisations that respect democratic values. They should also be bona fide, independent organisations in their own right.
Diversity of spheres of activity – to ensure the involvement of all the major components of civil society and adequate representation for each of the thematic working groups[1]and subgroups.
Involvement – applicants should be involved in activities relevant to Eastern Partnership priorities.
Rotation - whereby eligible, independent CSOs that have not participated in previous Forum annual events are given priority over those that have participated in previous Forum meetings.
Involvement – we invite applicants who were actively involved in the activities of previous Civil Society Fora, its national platforms and working groups, as well as those who are ready to be actively contributing to the work of the CSF in 2015/2016.
The organisations that can fund their own participation or willing to attend the annual assembly in the capacity of an observer (without voting rights) also need to apply.
The CSF Steering Committee in consultation with the European External Action Service/European Commission will carry out the selection of the participants for the 7th annual meeting of the EaP CSF. The selection procedure will be twofold. To learn more about the selection procedure please follow the link below.