Although activе citizеnship can bе promotеd through local, rеgional and national lеvеls of youth activitiеs, intеrnational youth activitiеs providе

iLead is an opportunity to develop a set of policy recommendations on your strategies and leadership!
To provide training opportunities for youths in leadership, advocacy and negotiating skills.
To provide an opportunity for youth to come together and discuss matters that effect them.
To provide an opportunity to youth to network and establish links with other European youth organisations.
To provide an opportunity for youth to develop a set of policy recommendations on youth strategies that should be adopted by national and European governments.
To strengthen the role of the Gozo Youth Council as the main coordinator of youth organisations in Gozo.
The problem identified for this project is the brain drain that the island of Gozo is suffering due to the lack job opportunities on the island.
The lack of opportunities has created apathy in the young generation. Thus through this project, the participants will be trained on how they can become leaders, they can negotiate and discuss policies that affect them by broadening their networks of contacts in order to create larger networks of cooperation.
This will ensure that Gozitan youths are given the power and the skills to change their future from one of apathy to one leading to active participation.
Through this project we want to give hope to the young people of the island by training them to become leaders and active participants and thus develop their skills and create opportunities to avoid having Gozitan youths feeling alienated and not really part of the system.