Վաճառքների մեծացումը մարքեթինգի գլխավոր խնդիրն է, սակայն ինչպես հասնել դրան պարզ ու արդյունավետ մեթոդներով, որոնք հիմնավորված են գիտականորեն:
Outdoor billboards presentation techniques

Akademix Team Company announces "Outdoor billboards presentation techniques" professional training course.
The main modules of the training course are:
-Outdoor billboards development historical tips
-Outdoor billboards popular forms
-Outdoor billboards main characteristics
-Outdoor billboards formats
-Outdoor billboards productiveness measurement types
All participant will get certificates.
People interested in Marketing, Advertisement, Merchandising are invited to take part in the training.
Number of participants: 6
Hurry up to register, places are limited!
The training course will be conducted by the founder of Akademix Team Business Company, expert in business consultancy and professional business trainings
Lilit Tshughuryan.
Date and time:
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 - 17:00 to Thursday, April 2, 2015 - 18:30
Application deadline:
Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 18:00