The opening ceremony of the14th British Film Festival will take place in Moscow Cinema at 16.30 on 20 February.
U.S. Innovation & Policy for Clean & Renewable Energy

Dr. Meyer will probe these and other clean energy and environmental successes in the United States, highlighting the goals of 29 U.S. states that have set aggressive standards for renewable energy development, impacting hundreds of millions of people. He will examine how new U.S. energy efficiency standards, which will save $300 billion in energy costs through 2030, can impact global development. Further, he will demonstrate how policy decision making of the world’s second-largest energy consuming nation can impact you.
This event is co-organized by the AUA College of Science and Engineering and the AUA Acopian Center for the Environment.
Date and time:
Monday, April 27, 2015 - 12:30 to 13:30
(+374 60) 69 40 40
40 Marshal Baghramyan Ave.