ԵՊՀ Իրանագիտության ամբիոնում կայանալիք «Պարսից գրականության և պատմություն» միջազգային արևելագիտական գիտաժողովին, բացի արդեն իսկ առկա ակադեմիական կա
Call For Applications: 2015 Summer Training Program

The Regional Network for Historical Dialogue and Dealing with the Past (RNHDP) is now accepting applications to its seven day training program in Istanbul. Organized by Hafiza Merkezi in cooperation with the Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability Program (AHDA) at Columbia University and Columbia Global Centers | Turkey, the training program is open to civil society professionals working in the MENA and Caucasus region, working on issues including (but not limited to) transitional justice, truth and reconciliation, historical conflict, minority rights, accountability, memory studies, oral history, sites of memory and related areas where historical dialogue is a central component.
The training program will be composed of seminars and workshops conducted by international experts, including members of Columbia University faculty such as Professor Elazar Barkan of the Institute for the Study of Human Rights at the School of International and Public Affairs. Prospective seminar titles include:
Historical Dialogue: Truth, Narrative, Evidence
Dialogue and Conflict Resolution
Shared Narratives
Designing Museums, Memorials, and Exhibits
Oral History, Truth Seeking and Gender
Truth Commissions
Historical Commissions
Comparative Issues for Civil Societies in MENA and Caucasus Region
The one week training will equip participants with a grounding in the tools and concepts of historical dialogue and dealing with the past and invite them to develop an approach to the conflicts they work with through the perspective of historical dialogue.
Applicants should be civil society professionals working in the MENA and Caucasus region on issues including (but not limited to) transitional justice, truth and reconciliation, historical conflict, minority rights, accountability, memory studies, oral history, sites of memory and related areas where historical dialogue is a central component.
Applicants should have an advanced knowledge of English in order to complete readings, follow lectures and actively engage in discussions.
Applicants must be able to allocate time before the program begins to read materials in advance that are required by the seminar and workshop leaders.
The program will cover the following costs for participants accepted into the program:
Airfare to and from Istanbul
Airport transfers in Istanbul
Training Program Fee
Please send the application form to info@dealingwiththepast.org and info@hafiza-merkezi.org by April 13, 2015 with your CV attached. Accepted applicants will be notified by April 27, 2015.