ԵՊՀ Իրանագիտության ամբիոնում կայանալիք «Պարսից գրականության և պատմություն» միջազգային արևելագիտական գիտաժողովին, բացի արդեն իսկ առկա ակադեմիական կա
Round table on the subject of “The strategies of settling the issue of the Armenian Genocide”

On April 25 at13:30, with the participation of Donald Wilson Bush, the president of the Woodrow Wilson Legacy Foundation, and famous Israeli historian Yair Auron, a round table will be held at Ayb School entitled “The strategies of settling the issue of the Armenian Genocide”.
A number of Armenian experts will also take part in the event.
The round table will discuss issues such as the reasons of the worst crimes against humanity in XX century and the obvious differences in their settlements; the hierarchy of aims and tasks in crime, punishment and settlement in relation to genocide; the uncertainty of Armenian demands, etc.
The discussion will be moderated by the famous journalist Mark Grigoryan.
During the round table, trilingual translation (Armenian, English and Russian) will be provided.
The organizer of the event is the Ayb Educational Foundation; the partner is American University of Armenia.